
Zhejiang Painting Academy shows achievements of three decades

Source:: Time:2014年11月02日

Sponsored by the Publicity Department of CPC of Zhejiang province, the National Art Museum of China, Zhejiang Federation of Literary and Art Circles and Zhejiang Painting Academy, an exhibition is currently on display at the museum to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the founding of Zhejiang Painting Academy. The exhibition is hoped to reflect academic achievements and creation results of the academy in the development process in the past three decades. Included are artworks by the first president of Zhejiang Painting Academy Lu Yanshao and many artists, outstanding researchers and students from the academy.

Zhejiang Painting Academy, abiding by the concept of keeping improving, reflects remarkable development and academic achievements in the past three decades since its establishment. A number of historical documents are on display to reflect the development process of the contemporary Chinese paintings in Zhejiang. 

The show opens at Hall1, 2, 3, 8 and 9 until Sept.19.

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