The National Art Museum of China is holding a calligraphic exhibition at the museum after the first session of a series of calligraphic exhibition held in 2012.
The exhibition comprises a total of 130 pieces of artworks by 26 calligraphers, including Zhu Yisa,Xu Liming, Han Tianyong, Ni Wendong, Liu Yanhu, Xue Yangxian, Lu Mingjun, Zhang Yuxiang, Liu Canming, Yu Mingquan, Zheng Xiaohua, Gan Zhongliu, Wang Yuanjun, Bai Di, Lv Jinguang and Chen Hailiang and so on. All the artists received a systematic study in the department of calligraphy in higher institutes, most of whom are still engaged in the front line of higher education. They are all very accomplished in calligraphic theory and creation practice. The exhibits reflect perfect combination between literary talent and calligraphic elegance, and academic thought and techniques.
In order to realize interaction between the visitors and the exhibition, the National Art Museum of China invites some of the participant artists to carry out discussion on the art-related issues with the visitor. The exhibition is intended to provide new visiting experience to the visitor.
The exhibition opens at Hall 13,14,15,16 and 17 until July 30.