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African Connection —— Wang XingJun photography exhibition four African countries

  • Show Time: 2009-12-02至2009-12-10
  • Venues: Hall 5
Together with China Council for the promotion of Peaceful National Reunification of Afica, we are pleased to host an exhibition entitled “lost in Africa Exhibitions of Wang Xingjun’s Photographic Works in Four Africa Countries”. Wang Xingjun, a Chinese Film Artist, actor, and director. He comes from Zhangye, Gansu, and is now with America nationality. The aim of the Exhibition is to promote the friendship between Chinese and African People, as well as the communication of art and culture. Wang Xingjun began his creation career at the age of eight, and has directed, produced, written and acted more than 200 works. His most well-known films are “The silk road”, “Ahmannisahan”, “Full Moon over LIANGZHOU”, “The Charm of the Tang-Song Dynasties” etc.The exhibition of “Lost in Africa Exhibitions of Wang Xingjun’s Photographic Works in Four Africa Countries” will show the photographs Mr. Wang took during 2008 Olympic Games when he hosted exhibitions in Kenya, South Africa, Lesotho, and Malawi. These 150 photographs being shown in exhibition are chosen among tens of thousands of photographs, which display the custom and history of Africa, and the life of Africa people.We wish through these works, may more people understand Africa, also the world, furthermore, more and more Chinese people both at home and abroad will shown their deep love of motherland.
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