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The Eleventh National Exhibition of Fine Arts

  • Show Time: 2009-12-25至2010-02-03
  • Venues: Hall 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21
We move towards the 60th anniversary for foundation of the People Republic of China with brilliant achievements for 30 years reform and opening up.Five years passed since the holding of last National Exhibition of Fine Arts, China's socialistic modernization made tremendous progress again, the comprehensive national power was further enhanced and international influence was further expanded, especially the CPC Central Committee and State Council has proposed to regard civilization construction of economy, politics, culture, society and ecology as the overall layout of socialistic construction with Chinese characteristics, which provided development and prosperity of contemporary Chinese literary and fine arts with unprecedented opportunity.Based on such background, the grand Eleventh National Exhibition of Fine Arts is open. Responding to the CPC Central Committee great call of "pushing development and prosperity of socialistic culture" and "creating new high tide for construction of socialistic culture", with the theme of arrying forward national spirit and reflecting feature of era and the tenet of uilding style of Chinese culture and shaping image of national arts? it promotes succession and innovation of artistic concept, content, style and genre, pushes abundance and development of type, subject matter, form and means for creation, tries to find new artists and fine works and displays outstanding artistic achievements in past five years, which is both the realistic requirement for development of the times and the purpose of the exhibition of this time.The Eleventh National Exhibition of Fine Arts is listed as the key project of celebration for the 60th anniversary for foundation of People Republic of China. It the first time for the Ministry of Culture, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and China Artists Association to jointly sponsored the exhibition, on which the Party and government departments, culture departments (bureaus) and Federation of Literary and Art Circles in different places all over the country attached great importance, and all the members in China Artists Association, all the exhibition areas and all the units of fine arts gave strong support. The artists participated passionately and created earnestly. Many departments actively encouraged and organized the artists to experience life and deliberate works, missioned experts to review, guide and discuss in all places of the country and took action to adjust settings in the exhibition areas, perfect the assessment mechanism, strengthen supervision and management, and improve the level of the exhibition.The Eleventh National Exhibition of Fine Arts will be held in two phases. The first stage is partition exhibition in different places for various professional categories from August to October, 2009. Exhibition area for traditional Chinese painting is in Shanghai, oil painting in Wuhan, print in Nanjing, sculpture in Changchun, watercolor and gouache in Panjin, fresco in Beijing, lacquer painting and pottery in Xiamen, artistic design in Shenzhen, works from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan in Shantou, while animation and comic, new year painting, cartoon, picture story, illustration and comprehensive material are in Harbin. 3,700 works will be exhibited in all exhibition areas totally. The second stage is awarded works exhibition to display awarded and excellent works selected from all exhibition areas at Beijing in the end of 2009. The awarded works will won the First Creation Prize of China Fine Arts Award at the same time and the exhibition of this time will select the First Theoretical Comment Prize and Lifetime Achievement Prize of China Fine Arts Award.Walking together with the People Republic of China and resonating with the new era, the National Exhibition of Fine Arts with 60 years history is one of the national cultural activities continuously held for the longest time in our country. It played an important role and made positive contribution on prosperity and development of literature and arts in the People Republic of China. The achievements of Chinese fine arts creation in past five years to be displayed in the Eleventh National Exhibition of Fine Arts fully reflect that the fine arts workers follow direction of wo targets and policy of "double hundred" with valuable spirit to study and seek unremittingly, talent and enthusiasm for artistic creation, and reflect literary and art workers conscious pursuit and firm belief to try to build contemporary Chinese fine arts with style of Chinese culture and innovative spirit of the times. The Eleventh National Exhibition of Fine Arts is a new chapter of heavy color as the sequel for history of Chinese fine arts written by numerous artists in new period. Present it as the gift for the 60th birthday of New China!
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