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The exhibition of Zhao Yannian's Donation

  • Show Time: 2006-03-08至2006-03-18
  • Venues: Hall 1
Mr. Zhao Yannian is a famous contemporary artist in print and an educationalist in China. He used to assume the position of director of the Chinese Artists' Association, advisor of the Chinese Artists in Print Association, counselor of the Zhejiang Provincial Artists' Association, honorary chairman of the Zhejiang Provincial Artists in Print Association, dean and professor of the Print Department of China Academy of Art etc. Zhan Yannian was admitted into the Shanghai Academy of Art in 1938, and in 1939, he sponsored the "Tieliu Cartoon Woodprint Association", from then on, he began his creation of the woodprint art works. In his over 60 years' career as artist, he has created a lot of excellent works that give expression not only to the life of Chinese people and that of the people of the world in their struggles against hegemonism and racial discrimination, among which the serial paintings and illustrations about LuXun and his literatures have made great accomplishment and have won the heart of readers and spectators. He was crowned with the title of Standard-Bearer of Black and White Woodprint of China. In 1991, he was awarded the "Award for outstanding Contributions for Emerging Print" jointly by China Artists Association and China Artists in Print Association; the "Outstanding Contribution for Artistic and Cultural Undertaking" by the State Council in 1992; and the Gold Medal for Outstanding Contribution Senior Artist of Zhejiang province in 2002.

Mr. Zhao' s works are famous for their black and white colors. His personal styles of unique modern print feature the audacious composition, exagerated technique, prominent contrast of black and white, and sensational bearing. The "Woodbearer" and "Struggle for rice" in his early stage, the "Protest" in the 1950s, the "Portrait of LuXun", "Rise up the Hunger and Cold Stricken Slave", "Unity is Strength" in the 1960s, the "Story of AH Q" in the 1970s and the "Aftermath of Typhoon", "Nightmare Series", "Chase the Sun", and "The 1990s" in his late stage etc give full expression not only to his black-white life, but the track and accomplishment of his artistic life.

The 150 pieces of exhibits have been specially selected from the 500 donations of different kinds by Mr. Zhao, including original woodprint and inllustrations of LuXun's literatures, sketches of creation, ink cartoons and other sketches etc. what is most precious is that the exhibits will display the original woodprints of his masterpieces of the donations. The whole exhibition basically reflects the life-time artstic achievements of Mr. Zhao Yannian. Spectators can experience the master's artistic styles in the exhibition.
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