

泽曼1977年出生于瑞士,工作生活于伯尔尼。他的作品和表演曾在国际间众多个展和群展中出现。泽曼获得过 不同的艺术奖和驻留奖并且担任过客座讲师。近期展示他作品的机构包括韩国白南准艺术博物馆。台北关渡美 术馆,佛罗里达Ringling艺术博物馆,里士满哈奈特博物馆,纽约Bitforms画廊,伯尔尼美术馆,首尔美术馆,列 支敦士登当代艺术博物馆,雷恩美术馆,巴塞尔艺术博览会,巴黎丹尼斯勒画廊,雷恩Les champs Libres博物 馆,布加勒斯特MNAC当代艺术博物馆,洛杉矶北奥艺术中心,伯尔尼美术馆,卢布尔雅那 MSUM当代艺术博 物馆,北京中国美术馆,卢加诺美术馆等。


Zimoun, born in Switzerland in 1977, lives and works in Bern. His work has been presented in solo and group shows as well as performances worldwide. Zimoun has been awarded different art prizes and residencies and has served as a guest lecturer. Recent displays of his work include exhibitions at the Nam June Paik Art Museum in Korea; Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei; Ringling Museum of Art, Florida; Harnett Museum of Art, Richmond; bitforms gallery New York; Kunsthalle Bern; Seoul Museum of Art; Museum of Contemporary Art Liechtenstein; Fine Arts Museum Rennes; Art Basel; Galerie Denise René Paris; Museum Les Champs Libres, Rennes; Contemporary Art Museum MNAC Bucharest; Beall Art Center, Los Angeles; Museum of Fine Arts Bern; Museum of Contemporary Art MSUM, Ljubljana; National Art Museum of China, Beijing; and the Museum of Fine Arts Lugano among others.

文档来源: 中国美术馆